Happy Egg-cellent New Year!

Its a whole new year. There is ALOT going on right now. One of the most concerning would be the shortage and price on eggs. Now my chickens are taking a break from laying as they typically do. So, i have been having to buy eggs at the store and wooza! the prices are unreal. Eggs are a good protein to add into our diet and used in baking so what to do?

Well, I am doing my best to keep my flock healty. One way I do this is by adding beneficial herbs to their feed, adding egg shells to their feed and looking into what treats they can have. The more nutrients and help they have the earlier (in my experience) they resume laying. If you are interested in adding herbs into your chicken’s diet check out my Crazy Chicken Lady Boxes. You can get Just the Herbs or a chicken themed monthly box that comes with the herbs and some chicken swag!

Okay, I don’t have chickens so what to do? Well let’s talk about replacements for eggs. The top replacements are applesauce, mashed bananas, yogurt, aquafaba, avocado, yogurt, silken tofu, arrowroot powder, nut butter or flax and chia egg.

These egg substitutes may change the flavor or the recipe a bit, so its good to experiment with them. Try a few and see what ones work for your recipe. There are other egg substitutes that you can use as well. These were just the top 10. I have used a good portion of these myself in recipes, sometimes just to make them healthier. I really want to experiment with Aquafaba and see how it compares. Check out the next info graphic for which egg substitutes work best for each baked good. Happy baking!

Heather Edwards